Best Times to Exercise

Best Times to Exercise

This is your Well-Weight-Wisdom Tip and More: Best Times for Exercise I am often asked my opinion about the best times for exercise for optimum results. In my well-weight programs, I refer to exercise as body movement which is important in achieving and maintaining...
Body Movement Tips

Body Movement Tips

Well-Weight-Wisdom 2-Minute-Tip on Body Movement! Move Your Body! You have got to get up and you’ve got to get going on a regular basis. If you do not move your body your body will not be moving you… at least not very well… so make the commitment to...
Weighing In On Exercise

Weighing In On Exercise

Well-Weight-Wise tip on Exercise: You’ve heard it all before… exercise is good for you and is part of a healthy lifestyle. So why is it you just can’t seem to get around to it or do it as much as you should? You’re too busy… You don’t belong to and don’t...

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