My Wellness, Weight & Wisdom Ways!
Learn how to tune into your body to give it what it needs and not what it doesn’t to feel more energetic, balanced and healthy! Reaching your well-weight and feeling better in your body requires a combination of time-tested techniques along with intuitive methods to get to the bottom of your challenges and symptoms. Whether you’re experiencing pain, weight gain, low energy, fogginess, confusion or malaise, you can overcome it by taking simple steps using the supportive system that is included in this package.
Lifestyle Mastery is not just for or about weight loss! It will also teach you how to tap into your innate wisdom so you can support your body’s ability to heal. In it I also give you my best food combining tips along with easy ways to move your body without going to the gym or over exerting yourself!
This coaching package gives you all of the methods I used to overcome a debilitating mystery illness and a multitude of very uncomfortable symptoms! I created it from all that I discovered during that journey and I’ve been following it myself since 2007! I’m living proof the techniques in it really do work!
You can learn more about my challenging well-weight story by clicking on my before or after picture… or continue reading below for well-weight empowerment and course information!
Open Each Toggle by Clicking on the “+” to see all that you’ll get!
MASTERY #1 - Set For Success Workbook...
- MASTERY #1 Workbook – Set For Success!
How To Overcome Your Obstacles Action Worksheet
Before Beginning Action Step & Tracking Sheets
Commitment & Desire Statement Declaration Page
Support System & Accountability Instructions
Overcoming Fear of Failure Action Plan & Steps
MASTERY #1 - Set For Success Coaching Audio
Set for Success Instructional Coaching Audio
Complete Instructions on How to get Set for Success
- I will coach you on every step and section in MASTERY #1!
MASTERY #2 - Tune In & Detoxify Workbook...
- MASTERY #2 Workbook – Tune In & Detoxify!
- Detect Trigger-Signals & Satisfy Cravings Guide
- Intuition & Sensitivities Body Awareness Chart
- Gentle Detox and Beyond Step by Step Guide
- Action Plan Worksheet for Gentle Detoxification
- MASTERY #2 Overview Outline for Reference
MASTERY #2 - Tune In & Detoxify Coaching Audio
Tune In & Detoxify Instructional Coaching Audio
Complete Instructions on How to Detect & Detoxify
- I will coach you on every step and section in MASTERY #2!
MASTERY #3 - Leaner Ladies® Foods Workbook
- MASTERY #3 Workbook – Leaner Lady™ Foods!
- Detailed Outline of Easy Weight Loss Eating Guidelines
- Eating Habits Action Step & Questionnaire
- Weight Loss Eating Facts & New Leaner Ladies™ Ideas
- Weekly Food & Drink Awareness Tracking Log
- Easy Color Coded Food Combining Chart
MASTERY #3 - Leaner Ladies® Foods Coaching Audio
Leaner Lady™ Foods Instructional Coaching Audio
Complete Instructions on Eating Leaner Lady™ Foods
- I will coach you on every step & section in MASTERY #3!
MASTERY #4 - Eat Weight Away Workbook
- MASTERY #4 Workbook – Eat the Weight Away!
- Additional Eating Guidelines to Speed up Fat Burning
- Quick & Easy Weight Loss Meal Examples to Follow
- Meals & Shopping Action Step Planning Worksheet
- Serving Portion Size Chart for Eating Right
- MASTERY #3 & #4 Eating Lean Outline to Post
MASTERY #4 - Eat Weight Away Coaching Audio
Eat the Weight Away Instructional Coaching Audio
Complete Instructions on How to Detect & Detoxify
- I will coach you on every step & section in MASTERY #4!
MASTERY #5 - Body Movement Workbook
- MASTERY #5 Workbook – Body Movement!
- “Reasonable Excuses” Action Step Worksheet
- Ways to Move Your Body How-What-When Worksheet
- Balanced Fitness Design for The Fastest Weight Loss
- 40 Easy Ways to Fit Body Movement Into Your Life
- Weekly Body Movement Log To Track Your Progress
MASTERY #5 - Body Movement Coaching Audio
Body Movement Instructional Coaching Audio
Complete Instructions on How to Move Your Body
- I will coach you on every step & section in MASTERY #5!
MASTERY #6 - Thyroid & Hormone Workbook
- Mastery #6 Workbook – Thyroid & Hormones!
- Thyroid & Hormone Instructional Coaching Video
- Separate MP3 Download of Coaching Audio
- How Your Thyroid Function Affects Weight Loss
- Detecting Sluggish Thyroid Issues Questionnaire
- Weight Loss Hormone Symptoms Worksheet
- Handle Reactions to Stress Action Step Chart
- Happy Hormone Help Overview Outline
MASTERY #6 - Thyroid & Hormone Coach Audio
Thyroid & Hormones Instructional Coaching Audio
Complete Instructions on Thyroid & Hormones
- I will coach you on every step & section in MASTERY #6!
MASTERY # 7 - Leaner Lifestyle Solutions Workbook
- MASTERY #7 Workbook – Leaner Lifestyle Solutions!
- Leaner Lifestyle Instructional Coaching Video
- Going Out – Travel – Vacation Weight Management
- On The Go Action Steps Worksheet
- Vitamin & Supplement Decisions Questionnaire
- Additional Vitamin Info and Action Steps
- My Opinions on Weight Loss Helper Products
- Additional Tips and Inspiration for Success
- Leaner Ladies Program Completion Certificate
MASTERY # 7 - Leaner Lifestyle Coaching Audio
Leaner Lifestyle Instructional Coaching Audio
Complete Instructions on Leaner Lifestyle Solutions
- I will coach you on every step and section in MASTERY #7!
BONUS #1 - Weight Loss Strategy & Coachng Audio
- Helps you plan & take important Action Steps for great results
- Lists the most important “To Dos” for reaching well-weight goals
- Gives a short and simple “How To Strategize” after each item
BONUS #2 - Fast Results Steps & Coaching Audio
5 basic steps that you must take even if you do nothing else
Outline with clear mini-action-steps for the fastest weight loss
Easy to follow and direct to the point to minimize overwhelm
BONUS #3 - Easy Weight Loss Tips & Coaching Audio
21 – One-Liners to make reaching your well-weight easier
Fun and interesting suggestions from my well-weight arsenal
Really doable actions that can easily fit into your routine
BONUS #4 - Satisfy Sweet Cravings & Coaching Audio
21 Ways to Manage & Satisfy Sweet Cravings
Yummy suggestions that totally crush the crave
At your fingertips checklist of easy prep snacks
BONUS #5 - Snack Substitutes & Coaching Audio
21 Totally Yummy Snack Food Substitutes
Great for all the salty, savory snack lovers
Easy to make and take with you on the run
BONUS #6 - Cheat Treat Food Days & Coaching Audio
21 Cheat Food & Treat Day Tips and Ideas
Best practices for you favorite foods & drinks
How to have a “cheat day” and still lose weight
PLUS… Special Support and Access to Me… Just For You!
- A 1 hour private phone or video coaching session with me
- We will work through any lifestyle questions you may have
- I will go over the modules and help set you up for success
- A plan will be given to overcome any challenge you foresee
- You will receive the recording of our coaching call via email
- A support E-Mail will be sent to you daily for 30 Days
- They will Inspire and guide you through the program sections
- Follow the Instructions in each as you work through the course
- Each E-mail Includes tips and steps for best results
- FREE access to my private ladies only Facebook Group
- 3, 6 or 9 months free access depending on which package you choose
- Renew at special pricing if you’d like to continue after your coaching package
- Weekly training sessions will be held in this group for added support
- Monthly challenges along with extra group activities on popular topics
- Special tips, tricks and techniques to help you stay on track
- These will be held Live in the private Leaner Ladies™ Lifestyle Facebook Group
- You can join live or submit your questions via the form on the course membership page
- Simply ask your questions via course form then be on the call or live video session
- You can also just watch the replay to get an answer to your submitted questions!
- I hate to cook, but I like to eat healthy so I put together some quick meals & snacks
- This recipe index is always growing as I add new meals & snacks to it weekly
- You will have lifetime access to all of these through a link on your member page
- I even take requests and can create a healthier version of one of your favorites!
- I create a check list, how to, guidelines or worksheet for every Video-Blog
- You will have access to all of them via links on your member page
- They are printable and downloadable so you can use them anywhere
- Use them to take action on what I teach you in my mini-training’s
- A discount sheet full of coupon codes for all other programs
- Special member only rates and pricing for all of my future events
- 20% off of any Personal Challenge Coaching Session
- Free bonuses and extras I only share with my monthly members!
More About The Leaner Ladies® Lifestyle Mastery Course:
I created the Leaner Ladies® Lifestyle Mastery Course for those women who want to tap into their innate wisdom and are ready to do what it takes to reach their health and well-weight goals! It is designed to give you a solid foundation, all the tools you need and support to ensure results and long term success. This course includes everything listed above and even more as you will discover things about yourself you never knew!
You get a One-On-One Jump-start phone coaching call with me to set you up for success... then we’ll schedule a once weekly one hour coaching session that will help you overcome any challenges or blocks you might be experiencing. You’ll also have access to my ladies only private group where you’ll receive daily tips and tricks to help you stay on track. Even if you can’t participate in the group, you can submit questions via a form in your member area that I will answer in a live group session. I also give you access to my quick recipes index and every Action-Step Download I create for my video-blog & podcasts. You will also receive 30 daily instructional support e-mails to hold you accountable for taking action every day!
Once you register, you will receive immediate access to all course materials in your Member area so you can get started right away. A daily support e-mail will be sent, along with instructions for your on-on-one Jump-Start Coaching call. You can submit questions for the weekly Group Coaching Q&A sessions as soon as you think of them and the replays will be available so you can listen at your convenience or as many times as you’d like. You’ll also become a free member of my private group so you can get answers to questions right away and will have access to on-going support, recipes, training, action-step downloads and more!

The Leaner Ladies® Lifestyle Mastery Course is designed to help women of all ages get to the bottom of their wellness woes… emotionally and physically… so they can feel better in their body and can be better in their life… long term!
My before and after pictures on this website are untouched. They show me with my 40+ lb weight gain and then after I lost it using the program I now call Leaner Ladies®. During my mystery illness, I had to tweak my health & fitness regimen and learn how to tune into my body in a more loving way in order to recover. I developed strategies that enabled me to once again get back to my Leaner Lady self and, in turn, created this program from what I learned.
It’s derived from my first-hand experience, thorough research, advice from health care professionals, holistic practitioner help along with techniques I used to get my body back to a healthier state. It was a painful and depressing journey, but being able to help other women has made it all worth it.
I still use the techniques in my programs to balance my hormones, reduce inflammation, increase energy and keep my thyroid working properly. It also helps me feel more balanced in all areas of my life and maintains my well-weight range (not one number on a scale) without dieting!
I look forward to helping you re-balance, tune into your body, listen to it with love and uncover hidden well-weight saboteurs. Many of my clients have reported less pain, more energy, the ability to reach their healthy weight and feel better in their body overall when they follow the Leaner Ladies® Lifestyle!
I can say with confidence that if you learn it and live it, you will lose it and love it! If you choose to work with me in this mastery course, you will also get extra support a jump-start coaching call plus my free free!
Master the Leaner Ladies® Lifestyle!
Learning how to tune into your body and give it what it needs will help you feel more balanced from the inside out! I will teach you how to easily reach and maintain your healthy body weight range (which is not just a number on the scale) and to overcome wellness challenges that keep you from living your best life! I promise you will see a wonderful transformation when you take action on what I am about to teach you!
You will have instant lifetime access to all of the course materials in your member portal when your payment is processed. You can work through it at your own pace or follow along with the action step emails that you receive. Your initial 1:1 coaching call (via phone or zoom video) will be set up via email and we will pre-schedule your additional coaching sessions during that call.
All private coaching packages also include free access to my Group Support program! After your coaching package ends, you will have the option to renew both or just the group coaching at a special price if you wish to continue with me!
What You Will be Empowered With:
How to overcome almost any well-weight obstacles
Enthusiastically make a true commitment to your health
Detect & eliminate hidden weight loss saboteurs
How to always know what your system is sensitive to
Lower food and ingredient induced pain and cell damage
Natural ways to gently detoxify your system without purging
Eating lean and enjoying simple meals anywhere
Quick 20 minute or less meals & snacks you can make
Basic Leaner Lady® eating guidelines for fat burning
Easily fit more body movement into your life
How to eliminate excuses and create a balanced weekly routine
Creating solid internal & external support systems
Get over fear of failure and past failure guilt
Hormone & Thyroid healthy weight knowledge
Detecting and adjusting hormonal weight symptoms
Best ways to minimize and handle stress or triggers
How to satisfy sweet and savory cravings
Making wise vitamin & supplement decisions
Travel, vacation and social engagement weight loss techniques
Using intuitive techniques to know what’s best for you
How to have a treat day without wrecking your progress
100+ easy ways to stay on track every day-week-month
Taking action even when it seems difficult
How to make a simple filling meal in 20 minutes or less
Motivation and Inspiration to keep you going
Well-Weight methods that work for you
A feeling of well-weight-wise empowerment
Body enlightenment and self-awareness
An understanding of your body’s needs
How to be a Leaner Lady in your busy on-the-go life
Support from a group of like minded women!
Having a coach to help you each week
And much, much more!
* The Leaner Ladies® Mastery Course and Coaching Audios
* A One-On-One Jump-start Phone Coaching Session
* 12 to 36 (pending package choice) Private Coaching Calls
* E-Mail access to Lisa for questions and challenges that arise
* Free access to my More Mentoring Group while in package
* Weekly Training, Challenges & Coaching in the private group
* Extra tips, techniques & support I only give to members!
The Entire Program & Bonuses…
with PDF Workbooks and Coaching Audios
Set for Success
Tune In & Detoxify
Leaner Lady Foods
Eat Weight Away
Body Movement
with Coaching Audio
(I only give with this program)
with Coaching Audio
(Also only available with this program)
Weight Loss Strategies Bonus
Fast Result Steps Bonus
Easy Weight Loss Tips Bonus
Satisfy Sweet Cravings Bonus
Savory Snack Substitutes Bonus
Cheat-Treat Food Days Bonus
A Bonus Coaching Audio
Access to my growing 20 minutes or less Recipe Index
Member area easy links to my Training Videos
PDF Actionable downloads to all of my Podcasts
30 once daily Take-Action Support e-mails
Additional weekly Motivation e-mails to keep you on track
Free Membership in my More Mentoring Group
Discounts on ALL of my other programs & coaching
Lifetime Program Updates and Add-Ons
Member only special invitations to all future events!
Regularly $2997 - Save $497!12 one hour private coaching calls with Lisa
- Once weekly coaching to keep you on track
- Choose from audio or video sessions
- Lifetime Access to the LL Mastery Course
- All Bonuses and Extras mentioned above
- Learn to Lose the Diet for good!
Regularly $5697 - Save $697- 24 one hour private coaching calls with Lisa
- Once weekly coaching to stay on track
- Choose from audio or video sessions
- Lifetime Access to the LL Mastery Course
- All Bonuses and Extras mentioned above
- Reach & Maintain Your Well-Weight Goals!
- ~~~
- And a Free 1-Day Retreat after completion!
- My most popular package!
Regularly $8397 - Save $897!- 36 one hour coaching calls with Lisa
- Once weekly coaching to stay on track
- Choose from audio or video sessions
- Lifetime Access to the LL Mastery Course
- All Bonuses and Extras mentioned above
- Master a state of Well-Weight Balance!